
Flipping Fixer Upper Homes

3 Important Things To Know Before Transforming Your Garage Into An Apartment

If you hardly use your garage, you may be thinking that transforming the space into an apartment to bring in a little extra income is a good idea. This change to your property can definitely be one that provides advantages. However, this is not a simple change that you should take lightly. The truth is that there are some issues you can run into when you take a single-family home and add on an attached apartment. Read More 

Should You Rent Directly From The Owner Or Through A Property Manager?

If you are not in a position to buy or do not care to buy your home, you will need to rent it. This gives you the option of renting a home directly from the person who owns it or of going to a property management company. Before you dismiss using one option over the other, be sure you understand what each can do for you. Owner Benefits Many times, when you rent from the owner, it will save you money. Read More 

Use These Tips When Selling An Old House

Many homebuyers are naturally suspicious of old properties. They think that old homes are not in good conditions, have malfunctioning appliances or were constructed with the wrong materials. Therefore, as a seller of an old home, you have your work cut out for you. Use these tips to make the work easier: Make Sure It Doesn't Look Old                        Your house may be old, but it doesn't have to look old. Read More 

Tips For Those Looking To Buy A Country House

Buying a house in the country can be an excellent way of ensuring that you get the most out of your budget while ensuring that you live in a peaceful community. Unfortunately, buying homes in rural areas can require you to consider some factors that may not have been important when you lived in a more urban area. Review The Water Source And Any Applicable Usage Restriction Water wells are a routinely used option for homeowners that are looking to provide their homes with sources of water. Read More 

Are You Looking To Rent An Apartment With Bad Credit? Learn What Your Options May Be

If you are looking to rent an apartment, most apartment rental companies will run a credit check. This helps them determine how likely it is that you will pay your rent on time every month. If you have poor credit, you may be at higher risk of not paying your rent. As such, a landlord may decline to rent to you or may make you jump through more hoops to obtain the rental unit. Read More 

About Me

Flipping Fixer Upper Homes

There is a lot of interest in flipping fixer upper homes, thanks in part to the various reality shows involving the subject that you can watch on TV. However, what you see on TV isn't always the reality of this type of work. My name is Mark Chavez and I have worked flipping fixer upper homes for over a decade now. While I love the work, there isn't always as much profit as they show on television and not every flip is successful. I decided to create this website to talk about the pros, cons and truths surrounding this industry. If you have been thinking about buying a home to flip, I hope my website educates you so you have a real idea as to what you can expect.